i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,635 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2024 22:55:16 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

"Hey, Illie! We'll be right there."

[break][break] Calling into the League comms that they'd been set with, Ollie awaits for his partner to join them. Together, they're supposed to meet up with who has — supposedly — secured some civilians stranded in a secluded area of the underwater sanctuary, hopefully keeping any threats at bay long enough for the Rangers to establish a rescue.

[break][break] It would be the first mission, Ollie thinks, that would officially have accompanied him on — well, since joining them anyway.

[break][break] He stands at their meeting spot, his Blastoise by his side. The Pokémon's glimmering shell perfectly mirrors the vibrant green of the Head Ranger's eyes.

OPERATION 2 [break]



[newclass=".olliea"] --accent:#d49736; [/newclass]

[newclass=".olliea"] width: 400px; margin: 0px auto; background-color:#222222; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; box-shadow:2px 2px 0px #333333, -2px 2px 0px #333333, 2px -2px 0px #333333, -2px -2px 0px #333333; position:relative; border-radius:5px; overflow:hidden;} .olliea .textbox i { color:var(--accent)!important; } .olliea .textbox a { font:500 12px/10px 'Poppins'!important; } .olliea .textbox b { font:bold 13px/10px 'Poppins'; color:var(--accent); font-weight:600; } .olliea .textbox u { text-decoration: underline solid var(--accent); letter-spacing: 1.2px; text-underline-offset:1.5px; font:13px/10px 'Roboto';} .olliea .top { height: 250px; background-image: url(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1058305315642286080/1155412642115104829/image.png); position:relative; } .olliea .line { height: 5px; background: #333; width: 300px; margin: 20px auto 0px; opacity:0.8; } .olliea .textbox { line-height: 15px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-size: 12px; font-family: roboto; color: #d6d6d6; margin: 20px auto 0px; text-align: justify; padding:40px 60px; padding-bottom:40px; } .olliea .bottom { height:45px; background-color:#272727; border-top:1px solid #333; background-image:url(https://i.ibb.co/7YB3gRD/flower.png); background-size:cover; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom right; } .olliea .pkmnlist { text-align:right; margin-top:-20px; } .olliea .pkmnlist img { filter:grayscale(1); } .olliea .pkmnlist img:hover {filter:none;} .olliea .tagline { margin-top:-25px; margin-left:20px; } .olliea .tagline a { color:var(--accent)!important; font-family:Poppins!important; } .olliea .oocbox { border-top:3px solid #333; padding-top:10px; width:260px; margin:20px auto 0px; text-align:left; [/newclass]
[newclass=".mmilkycredit"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; top:10px; right:10px; opacity:0.5; border-radius:100px; color:var(--accent); } .mmilkycredit a { transition:0.5s all; color:#6b6b6b!important; } .mmilkycredit a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=".olliea .avatarimg img"]height:70px; width:70px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; float:left; margin:0px 20px 10px 0px[/newclass]

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[newclass=".olliea .chartag"] text-align: center; margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:-20px; } .olliea .chartag a { font:700 14px/10px 'Poppins'!important; [/newclass]

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played by


May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 2:30:31 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

"Everything is ready, sir," Roy stated, standing at attention.

Addressing Ollie formally still felt strange to Roy. Despite Ollie being the head ranger, Roy saw him as a friend and comrade. The shift in hierarchy was a challenge Roy was still grappling with, but he understood its necessity, especially in the field.

He lowered the bag slung over his shoulder. It contained various tools and equipment needed for their underwater mission, including diving masks for the descent below. This is all they had to save the people lost below.

Roy's Feraligatr stepped closer, nodding subtly to the head ranger's Blastoise.


[attr="class","pkmnlgndsgsnote"]12. Ensure sufficient supplies are available for the operation.


[googlefont=Finger Paint][googlefont=Lato]
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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
part of
TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 7, 2024 2:42:18 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




"roger that," comes her slightly staticky voice over the comms.


"see you soon."


it disconnects, then, and she turns her attention toward the small group of people she's managed to find. each one has been equipped with diving gear, though she's tried to make them a small bubble of space to keep them from wasting the oxygen in their tanks before they've even been found... so far, it has held strong against ocean currents, but she fears it may burst sooner rather than later.


by then, though, she hopes to see and approaching.


09. Use signaling methods to call for additional support.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
water ops.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".illie"]--accent: #E37474!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=".pilotsb"]--bg: #222; --accent: #E37474; --url:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f9/35/fe/f935fefd78075c4d09e8fb3f5568c068.jpg);[/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,635 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 20:44:55 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

"I told you," Ollie huffed, as he closed the communication line between him and for the moment. "You can call me Ollie."

[break][break] Sir felt so formal. He hated it — and tried, at the very least, not to be reminded of it unless it was absolutely necessary.

[break][break] "Alright, we better hurry. Who knows how long Illie can keep everyone safe?"

[break][break] Reaching into the bag of supplies that bought, Ollie slipped the diving gear on and helped Roy as well. With that done, he dove into the flooded waters with a splash! Luckily, his years of swimming in the lake beside would prove to be useful here.


Back to where was waiting the civilians, however, it seemed that not all was okay.

[break][break] Sudden sounds signified the appearance of a school of aggressive Goldeen and a Kingler. They were not happy to have their new habitat be disturbed.

[break][break] A snarl echoed across the water cavern as a WATER PULSE suddenly blasted against 's spatial shields.


OPERATION 2 [break]



[newclass=".olliea"] --accent:#d49736; [/newclass]

[newclass=".olliea"] width: 400px; margin: 0px auto; background-color:#222222; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; box-shadow:2px 2px 0px #333333, -2px 2px 0px #333333, 2px -2px 0px #333333, -2px -2px 0px #333333; position:relative; border-radius:5px; overflow:hidden;} .olliea .textbox i { color:var(--accent)!important; } .olliea .textbox a { font:500 12px/10px 'Poppins'!important; } .olliea .textbox b { font:bold 13px/10px 'Poppins'; color:var(--accent); font-weight:600; } .olliea .textbox u { text-decoration: underline solid var(--accent); letter-spacing: 1.2px; text-underline-offset:1.5px; font:13px/10px 'Roboto';} .olliea .top { height: 250px; background-image: url(https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1058305315642286080/1155412642115104829/image.png); position:relative; } .olliea .line { height: 5px; background: #333; width: 300px; margin: 20px auto 0px; opacity:0.8; } .olliea .textbox { line-height: 15px; letter-spacing: .5px; font-size: 12px; font-family: roboto; color: #d6d6d6; margin: 20px auto 0px; text-align: justify; padding:40px 60px; padding-bottom:40px; } .olliea .bottom { height:45px; background-color:#272727; border-top:1px solid #333; background-image:url(https://i.ibb.co/7YB3gRD/flower.png); background-size:cover; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:bottom right; } .olliea .pkmnlist { text-align:right; margin-top:-20px; } .olliea .pkmnlist img { filter:grayscale(1); } .olliea .pkmnlist img:hover {filter:none;} .olliea .tagline { margin-top:-25px; margin-left:20px; } .olliea .tagline a { color:var(--accent)!important; font-family:Poppins!important; } .olliea .oocbox { border-top:3px solid #333; padding-top:10px; width:260px; margin:20px auto 0px; text-align:left; [/newclass]
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[newclass=".olliea .avatarimg img"]height:70px; width:70px; border: solid 9px #272727; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 0px #232323, 1px -1px 0px #232323, -1px 1px 0px #232323, 1px 1px 0px #232323, 3px 3px 0px #303030, -3px 3px 0px #303030, 3px -3px 0px #303030, -3px -3px 0px #303030; float:left; margin:0px 20px 10px 0px[/newclass]

[newclass=".olliea .tagline a"] color:var(--accent); font-size:12px; font-family:Poppins; background:#222; padding:2px 10px; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #333; z-index:99; position:relative; [/newclass]
[newclass=".olliea .chartag"] text-align: center; margin-top:20px; margin-bottom:-20px; } .olliea .chartag a { font:700 14px/10px 'Poppins'!important; [/newclass]

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played by


May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2024 21:12:53 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

This was what Roy appreciated about Ollie. The man had an uncanny ability to put everyone at ease, his presence a calming force in any situation. Yet, despite this, Roy still found himself navigating the complexities of rank, especially given his past experiences with other rangers. It was a fine line between understanding what was expected of him and what was simply the weight of formality.

"Understood," Roy replied, securing the last strap on his bag.

With everything in place, they set off, Ollie taking the lead while Roy followed closely behind. Roy's feraligatr took the brunt of the effort, propelling them forward, while Roy supplemented with his own movements when necessary.

"There!" Roy's voice reverberated strangely through the diving gear as he pointed toward an oversized pink sphere nestled deep in the ocean. He recognized that shade of pink instantly, a clear sign of the alchemist's handiwork.



[googlefont=Finger Paint][googlefont=Lato]
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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
part of
TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 9, 2024 4:36:39 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




relief rises quickly as and come swimming into view.


it feels entirely too short-lived.


water pulse erupts against her spatial shields and she gasps, kicking forward with her hands outstretched as if she means to reinforce it. a second volley hits before she can add more layers.




the third, and final, impact completely bursts the spatial bubble. water rushes in from all directions and the group of people startle like prey. her head whips toward them, an almost pleading look rising on her features.


"hey, it's okay. don't be frightened, please. you're gonna be okay."


and as she shifts closer to the group, an arm trying to get ollie and roy to come near, the aggressive goldeen begins to barrel toward the group with its megahorn.


24. Offer emotional support to those affected.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
water ops.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".illie"]--accent: #E37474!important; [/newclass]
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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,635 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 7:25:25 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


[break][break] Ollie - too - recognized the exact shade of pink instantly. It was impossible to miss. At least, if you were anyone in the League worth mentioning.

[break][break] As the Head Ranger and made their way swiftly towards that familiar bubbled sphere, however, it turned out that they were not alone. A school of territorial Goldeen and a Kingler did not seem all that pleased to have their "home" invaded.

[break][break] "Roy! You help Illie with the civilians! I got the pokemon."


17. Create distractions to draw threats away from vulnerable areas.

[break] He released his Greninja first, which quickly blanketed the area in a thick SMOKESCREEN, causing the Goldeen to dart about in a frenzy. But one stood out, unfazed and more aggressive than the rest, and it was then Ollie's eyes widened as he noticed the fierce glow of a MEGA HORN forming.

[break][break]"Hey!" he called out sharply, trying to get the Pokémon's attention. "Leave them alone!"

[break][break] The pokemon swerved suddenly, instead making a beeline for the Head Ranger.

[break][break] Oh shit.


OPERATION 2 [break]



[newclass=".olliea"] --accent:#d49736; [/newclass]

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 13:44:17 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

Ollie wanted Roy to assist with the civilians, but that wasn’t his strong suit. He wasn’t exactly a people person and his talents were better suited to handling pokemon. However, if he wanted to prove his worth to the head ranger, he’d need to step up and face this challenge head-on.

As his feraligatr pulled him toward the bubble, Roy took a quick moment to briefly survey its exterior and peer inside. He scanned the civilians in the water, attempting to formulate a plan to get them safely to the surface. Just as he turned to Illeana, he caught sight of Ollie in the background, facing a new threat. Through the haze, he noticed the goldeen glowing with intense energy, preparing to strike.

"Hang on," Roy instructed Illeana, pushing off the bubble with a determined shove.

"Assist him," he commanded his feraligatr.

The massive reptile surged forward, cutting through the water with newfound speed. Like a predator on the hunt, it tore through the murky smokescreen, its powerful jaws locking onto the goldeen with a devastating Crunch. It thrashed its head, shaking the fish violently before releasing it back into the open water.



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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 2:24:47 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




the civilians, despite their loaned diving masks handling the onslaught of new water rushing around them, still stir and quake like a terrified herd. the bubble ripples, torn open, when kicks off against it and she lunges to try to patch whatever holes she can.


with the wild pokemon distracted by and defending themselves and each other against the approaching attacks, illeana is given a few precious seconds to work.


and somehow, it's all she'll need.


sweeping arms drag spatial matter into place, constructing a new bubble to replace the tattered one. it's closer, more snug than before, but it'll do for now. she keeps it solely around the civilians, leaving herself on the exterior to find a way to assist the rangers instead.




she waves an arm, trying to draw either or 's attention for a moment.


"watch out!"


it's the only warning she gives before a small spatial blast is fired off, rippling through the water to dispel the goldeen and kingler from regrouping against the rangers.


24. Offer emotional support to those affected.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
water ops.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,635 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 2:44:03 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

Luckily enough, thanks to the help of and 's fantastic teamwork, it seemed that Head Ranger lives to see another day.

[break][break] The rampaging Goldeen is caught within the gnashing jaws of the new Ranger's Feraligatr, as the rest of the hoard scatter fearfully at the sight of the Alchemist's powerful spatial blasts.

[break][break] Ollie glances back at both Illie and Roy with relief. "Thanks guys! Whew, that was some quick thinking."

[break][break] Rather than leaving the injured pokemon to suffer, Ollie swims closer. Crimson trails through the water in delicate wisps, and the Goldeen's blood-stained scales glimmer in the ocean's depths. When the Goldeen hisses at him, bristling aggressively, Ollie quickly maneuvers his way around and instead reaches into his supply pack, pulling out a POTION swiftly and sprays it's wounded scales.

05. Provide first aid or medical support to injured individuals.

The sudden act of kindness has a surprising result. Instead of lashing out, the wild Goldeen circles Ollie gratefully, then begins to follow him as he swims back to join the others.

[break][break] "How is everyone? Everyone okay?"

[break][break] He glances anxiously between both Illie, Roy and the civilians that have gathered before them.

OPERATION 2 [break]



[newclass=".olliea"] --accent:#d49736; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".olliea .tagline a"] color:var(--accent); font-size:12px; font-family:Poppins; background:#222; padding:2px 10px; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #333; z-index:99; position:relative; [/newclass]
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played by


May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 15:59:52 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

Roy couldn't help but be taken aback by his superior's unyielding kindness. Despite knowing Ollie well, the man still found ways to surprise him, extending compassion even to those who might not deserve it. Roy allowed himself a brief moment of admiration before refocusing on the alchemist and the remaining civilians still in the water.

"Let's get you out of here," he commanded through his diving gear, summoning his kingdra to prepare for action.

Roy extended his hand toward the newly-formed spatial bubble, trying to catch Illeana's attention.

"Can you link this to my pokemon? They can pull you to the surface." He gestured to his kingdra and feraligatr nearby. The feraligatr's Superpower would easily handle most of the heavy lifting. Roy briefly considered blasting the bubble straight to the surface, but from past experience, he knew it might not hold.



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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 16:59:22 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




"thank you."


with the goldeen quelled, 's kindness still lingering against its scales, traces of anxiety slowly ebb out of the body. the civilians can feel it too, that ease of safety creeping back in.


as they regroup next to the bubble, gestures toward it and draws her eye.


"yeah, that shouldn't be a problem."


she shifts closer, running a hand against the bubble's surface. the spatial matter ripples, responding in kind as she gently adds more and more until there's two new tethers on each side. they sway in the ocean's currents, waiting to be attached to roy's pokemon.


"here," she murmurs, kicking forward to grab one tether. "can you get the other one?"


she waits a moment, observing, before beginning to approach his kingdra to tie the tether around its body.


24. Offer emotional support to those affected.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
water ops.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".illie"]--accent: #E37474!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=".pilotsb"]--bg: #222; --accent: #E37474; --url:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f9/35/fe/f935fefd78075c4d09e8fb3f5568c068.jpg);[/newclass]
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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,635 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 16:15:50 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
[attr="class","mmilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

"I got it!"

[break][break] Ollie swims forward, grabbing the other tether. It feels weird in his hand — almost like a Frillish's tentacles. He doesn't know how creates or puts up with it, but he trusts her, and that's all that matters. He secures it carefully to the back of 's Feraligatr.

[break][break] "Alright. All secure! Kick us off, Roy!"

[break][break] Ollie grinned.

[break][break] "Don't worry, guys! We'll be on our way to land soon!"

OPERATION 2 [break]



[newclass=".olliea"] --accent:#d49736; [/newclass]

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 16:25:16 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

"Right," Roy replied with confidence.

He took a moment to assess both of his Pokémon, ensuring the tethers were securely in place. Locking eyes with Ollie, Illeana, and the rest of the civilians, Roy gave them a subtle nod as he mentally ticked off his checklist.

"Take them to the surface," he murmured through his diving gear to his Feraligatr. He gave a nod to Kingdra on the opposite side. With their new orders, both water-types surged into action, propelling the bubble rapidly through the depths. Roy hitched a ride on Feraligatr's side, gripping one of its scales like a handle. Their swift ascent would carry them to the surface with little trouble.



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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2024 3:13:36 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




she nods, shifting away from 's kingdra with a soft brush of her hand against scales once the tether is securely knotted around its body. the dragon seems unbothered by the task at hand, happy to help as its master intended.


and as the civilians flash grateful smiles at their rescuing rangers, a happy chorus of gratitude rising amongst them, the scientist lingers behind the bubble to inspect one last time for any imperfections.


and kick off, then, and the bubble shifts as it begins to be tugged upward to the surface by both pokemon. she trails behind it, hands maintaining the pink glow of creation in case anything else were to go wrong...


though, as the bubble breaks through to the surface, it seems the mission is basically a success. they settle back onto land and she takes the chance to approach the face of the bubble quickly.


"thanks again, guys!"


she flashes both and a bright smile before turning around and beginning to deconstruct the bubble to allow the civilians out.


24. Offer emotional support to those affected.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
water ops.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".illie"]--accent: #E37474!important; [/newclass]
[newclass=".pilotsb"]--bg: #222; --accent: #E37474; --url:url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f9/35/fe/f935fefd78075c4d09e8fb3f5568c068.jpg);[/newclass]
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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP